"Whereas Canada is founded upon principals that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law."
Our constitution has requirements that most ignore today. The blood of our sons and daughters' forefathers and mothers, risked making Canadian land free and strong is again being invaded by enemies we have far too long ignored. Enemies which are stealing our lives right from under our noses.
Principals that recognize the supremacy of God, require to be revisited. Each citizen born under the Canadian constitution, and each citizen who joins its proud people and nation, must respect and abide by the same spirit of the law, the land fought to gain.
This government was set up, in trust and truth, affected under the eyes of our Creator God, who gave Canada its victory.
Therefore, let us go back to this document's origins, in reclaiming our birthright of peace and freedom, through honoring God and His place of Glory for the sake of our sons and daughters and this land called Canada.