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Soul Cleanse©

Making decisions from a clear, sound mind is indeed an asset. With varying positions and personal truths out there, it can be tricky to please everyone. Does there exists a universal truth, we all abide by each person well served, and the answer is a resounding,
What skill set of truths can a person of any age, creed, profession or language, apply that works flawlessly, is a question we can ask.
A skill set, we can use at any age, or wherever we go. These skills learned and applied are the foundations of our character unchanging, which serve us all the days of our lives well.
These life skills keep us from making costly mistakes even saving our lives, these skills keep us from wasting valuable time, using our time wisely enough so that all our days are filled with positive and enlightening matters. These skills warn us about what it means to have healthy and fruitful relations that enrich our lives well. These skills leave us unscathed by life's curve balls that we bat out of the fields of our lives. 
Before we can apply ethics to any of life situations, we require to draw from a database of knowledge and base to best approach life's scenarios successfully. Skills like communication- in conflict situations or dealing with inner personal conflict. Resolving conflict in the workplace or applying coaching strategies, to develop people to resolve conflicts and hostile people even from within, by using multiple gifts such as emotional, intuitive and somatic ways of understanding either through self and teamwork and awareness, strategies and skills through inclusion requires skill from experience and this is learned through role models.


Outdoor Therapy
Paint Therapy
Self Esteem Therapy
Identity Therapy
Spirituality Science Based.






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