Constitution of Canada
The Canadian Constitution is the prize possession of Canada and the binding document which mets out the rights and freedoms we Canadians so highly cherish.
"But sadly, at the pearl of slipping away."
Our noble forefathers and mothers who fought, tooth and nail, paid with the blood of sons, and daughters enriched the Canadian soil for our freedom and peace, we too often take for granted.
Peace and stability are coming increasingly into question, where "enemies" are again circling to invade our space. Are we willing to send our sons and daughters to fight for our land again- like we did in the past, and will bother to ask God to be with us unto victory?
"What made our land strong and free in the past, and what will make our land, strong and free today?"- is a question we are urgently faced with today.
National security and strength are not simply had through by patriotic feelings and opinions. Commonwealth nations that enjoy peace and freedom, in juxtaposed to nations that are at war- differ in this one thing.
This distinct difference is the favor and promises of God, His blessings, which stems stemming from righteous living. and acknowledgement of His name.
The first seventeen words of our Constitution declared the heart posture of its founding fathers and mothers, with the following words of the Canadian preamble.
"Whereas Canada is founded upon principals that recognize the supremacy of God, and the rule of law."
What have we done lately to abide by this document as a united nation that upholds righteousness in all our institutions, which in turn promotes peace, integrity, and order- our soldiers fought and died to uphold.
We have ignored truth; we have dismissed God, and we have abandoned our first love, Jesus Christ. We have dismissed our neighbor and companion of our youth.
God is not a feeling or an option or an idea to content with. God created the worlds and humankind and therefore gave us instructions on how to live with each other and to take care of the planet correctly. We have failed on all counts and increasingly we do not want to know how our actions are hurting others and planet. We simply do not care.
What part are you playing in abiding by the responsibilities and standards of the Canadian constitution. What part are you playing in bringing about order in our society and homes and institutions as obligation to being a Canadian citizen?
"By what standard do we live and act by Canada?"
Creator God who made the worlds, has given us the pattern in which to live and behave, before Him- otherwise life is unpleasant. We must return to the drawing board of righteousness today, or order will be lost and at the cost of things today- we may never recover what the efforts of the saints have achieved in prayer, blood and righteousness. We must demand righteousness from our leaders and live as citizens of a free and courageous land again by acting moral and with integrity unto Mankind and Our loving Father in heaven So help us God.