My Fathers Business
Not many of us had good fathers, and many don't even know who their father is.
My downstairs neighbor son- one day confided to me. I would take him to the park to give his mother a break. I enjoyed his company, as he was a thoughtful, insightful child. As we sat on the park bench, one day- where a baseball game was in progress- suddenly I saw Michael hugging the man beside him, in a full embrace. shocked and embarrassed, I apologized to the stranger.
"I wish I had a father!" said Michael.
His comment stuck with me for most of the day. He was seeking affirmation and loves from a father, which he did not have. He was estranged from his father, his mother actually told him, that his father was dead.
Every child eventually learns that they came from a father and mother's union. They begin to ask questions why their parents are not together. A child is heartbroken and devastated when they hear that their home is being torn apart, because their parents are fighting, not getting along, and no longer love each other.
Can mothers and fathers then please make a commitment to stay together and work out their differences for the sake of their child(ren) heart.
Children need both their parents to survive well in life. This must be held first in our hearts and minds throughout the journey as parent. Otherwise, don't have children till you've dealt with your demons and selfishness. Determine first, if your partner will remain a good parent throughout the process of family life. Get a "child prenup." at all costs.
In Psalm 27:10 "For my father and my mother have forsaken me, but the Lord will take me in."
God knows the hearts of all people. Though God give each person free agency to choose how they live- most however-will not make the right decisions by themselves, they will not make right decisions by their children, they will not make perfect decisions by their wives, they will not make right decisions by their cities, nor by their nations. Why because we are drawing from a knowledge base of error, rather than from of a knowledge base of wisdom and understanding from absolute spiritual laws.
There is the right way to live, embedded into our atmosphere and universe that never changes. And we miss moving in that flow of righteousness. Scientists know this and use these very principals to send vehicles into space and back- through Gods binding laws and covenants with earth and universe- that don't switch up on us on a dime- like our decisions do.
God is faithful and always there, present, but don't confuse your bad decision making with God not stepping in to counter what you've determined to mess up- you can't have your cake and eat it too. By now we should know that we reap what we sow. When the end result of our poor decision making- causes suffering, is where life becomes unpleasant.
This is the whole purpose of the laws of God our Father established since the ancient of days- who knows, the heart of humanity is bent in seeing things in their selfish ways. Any decision that is not in harmony with the laws of God will cause pain.
"How was I to know?" your asking- the response is to be careful how you proceed in life, and how you build. Choose well, and carefully and never stray away from the universal laws of righteousness and justice called the Ten Commandments and the golden rule of life found in the Holy Bible. Begin your journey to healing by repenting and getting to know Our True Father in Heaven through Jesus Christ Our Lord.
"Love your neighbor as yourself, and Love God with all your heart, mind and soul."