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Support and Love for California Fire Victims

The world has seen picture after image of Californian homes burning to the ground, where just a day before they were enjoying their lives.

This could have happened to any neighborhood. Thank God it wasn't ours.

Is this enough. My heart goes out to all the people who are victims of this horrific event and all the implications this disaster has on every second of their day moving forward. Their lives are as valuable and important as ours.  The years of preparation, careful decision making, and things bought with a price, rings the same for anyone who builds their life and families only to lose it all in one day.  Being suddenly left with nothing, and even no support or answers leaves Californians lost, and scared- is where the rest of the world can step up to give and support in any way possible.

What is each of us doing to bring hope, relief or support in heart, mind and soul to our neighbors from down South?  Though we do not smell the smoke from our homes- in our hearts we stand with them in spirit in prayer, that this situation moves forward justly and is dealt with in the integrity of Gods power to hear each person's cry justly.

We can pray for those we do not know and understand that our words do go to work for them- we can put ourselves in their shoes, to think what if this was our neighborhood that burnt down, forced to leave everything, we have worked only to save our very lives- forever behind.

Today make it an aim to reach out to any victims by getting in touch with them somehow. Reach out to local Californian government by donating something- be a cleanup crew or donate items or equipment, to get the ball rolling toward healing and reconstruction now.

"Don't just do nothing- pray for God's grace and mercy to help each person right now."

No man is an island, in times such as this, we need each other support, material assistance and most of all forgiveness. This is not a time to point fingers because this only builds resentment and resistance. What is done is done- and may this be a lesson never to forget. 

We must through these life-threatening events remember that wrongdoing, taking chances and cutting corners catches up with us, in ways that cost more than we can get back. Taking chances against sound wisdom and judgement is a warning sign that we have gotten lazy or blinded to what is really important, setting us up for reproach and pain.

Build well, be good, live with prudence and humility, most of all let Christ be your protector, your guide and your guardian angel, so to know how to act and live in a manner that keeps you out of any fire. 

May anyone who may have deliberately set this fire be burned in his soul to do right by all, including our Lord who sees everything, as the God of justice. Vengeance is mine I will repay says the Lord. Those who call on my name shall be saved.

Please reach out for prayer. Call 613.406.7775

May God be With You in This Horrible Event- But know there is Hope for You,

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