What bond's us today?
"I think of causes. I think of movements that stir people."
What about today- what stirs you? What cause will you go to the streets for and fight with all your heart? Gay pride, a soccer match, a protest against the rights of the unborn?
What will you fight for? I think about a circle of people holding hands with a common goal and unified understanding. I remember a coca-cola commercial growing up where people across the globe were joined together holding hands from nation to nation- across the globe. Though this is not possible in the natural, the point was succinctly made.
Can we as people come together and agree on something? Can we come together and agree on peace and goodwill and kindness. Can we agree to love our neighbor as ourselves- not as a religious notion but as a standard of human comportment today? Can we come to agreement that we are hurting ourselves; we are hurting each other by the way we live. Can we come to agreement that we are hurting others because we refuse to acknowledge the laws that were placed in the universe by God for us to love each other, and to love ourselves correctly and not in selfish, conceited arrogance. Can we agree that when we do not walk together, and by the way we refuse to hold hands with each other in agreement to a common bond of righteousness that neither causes pain or deception to any. Can we agree in unity not to cause the world unrest and pain.
What does a world with one standard feel like? What does a world feel like when all decide not to steal from each other, what does a world feel like when no one lies to each other? What does a world look and feel like when no one lusts and covets after their neighbors' possessions. What does a world feel like to live in when we come together in unity to agree that we do not want to hurt each other anymore, we don't want to deceive each other. What does the agreement amongst all nations feel and act like, where war is no longer tolerated or declared. What does the world look and feel like when we can travel anywhere on the globe and be welcomed as friends instead of enemies?
United in standards of love for our neighbor, and love for the word of God is not a selfish religion-rather it's the voice of God who made each person, to live in harmony with self and neighbor well, because then we can walk together in safety, peace and goodwill trust.
Think today if the whole world was at peace- sharing protection and giving each other their best abilities and talents. Think of a united standard of order where there is no darkness or evil. This begins with holding hands with the Creator and with the laws of God and the Ten Commandments of love they neighbor as thyself and love God with all your heart, and mind and soul. Not as a religion of self and land, rather as a bond of humanity, where God is pleased to bless us.