
A Spiritual Consultation Can Be All You Need.

    Divine Connection Is The Secret

It is said that only 1% of life coaching works. Why so low a ratio?
It is because, not all coaching is suited for you. If you don't know what you need to help yourself, how do you know if what is being offered is right for you?
1. The answer is you require a divine connection. What is a divine connection? It is where your heart meets the right help and answers by acquiescing to its knowledge and where your life changes.
Knowledge and direction from the universe that leads you to what you're requesting with the perfect help.
I recall, growing up in the seventies-we had no internet, no cell phones and no mentors around. I wanted to be someone, to help others and be useful and productive, to my family, but things just kept turning sour. I pushed and pulled, struggled and fought, cried and then simply gave up in exasperation. I could not understand.  Then one day, after I said to the Lord of the Universe- I submit to You for help- the Divine showed up, and shared- WELCOME, and said to me- things will be different for you from now on.

2.  There is one Coach, One Mentor, One Partner this second, who sees where you're at, who can meet you, right now where you're at, and knows how to help you from where you are, and finally who knows how to direct you from where you're at from your center and heart. But seeing and understanding revelation is required on your part. Connecting the dots by seeing in the spiritual realm are where all your answers await.

I have had thirty years' experience in direct coaching from this Person- I now know what healing looks like and doesn't look like, I know what bad feels like, I know what does not work or acts well, I now know what poor decisions act and think like. toward true growth & success. But enough with the bad.

I have discovered the "aha" moment through the place of understanding where every decision is made by the connection of the universal dots and where all clarity and flow come from.

You can have and benefit from this mentality today.

3. Under my belt. Thirty years of spiritual consulting experience. 10X mentoring, M.A Public Ethics, B.A.(HONS) Ethics, Business Builder Certificate and 10X Financial Freedom. Author/ In HER Image. Author/Saint Cat, Author/My Father, Mentor, Partner. Quora 23,000 views this month and 280 genuine followers.

Any life experience without retrospective understanding serves little, yet vision, discernment and knowledge in knowing exactly what to do is worth more than precious jewels.

Learn how to access the correct inner voice, by first removing the "noise" within. To be able to move forward like a train on a track.

Relational success through divine connections is this a road map and plan you can have today. Call/email -paid consultation.27.15$ email reply. or provide number to reach you at. Write below your request and issue to resolve.

Introduce yourself and let's get you better. There is lots of information out there, but not all information is right knowledge for your ultimate growth and happiness. write info@santasantinagatta.com or send a message below.

Troubles at the office, home, school, or workplace and government, or clubhouse know and understand your why today, and live from a place of divine inner guidance each time.

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