Fundamentally how we live, is a matter of life and death and everything in between.
- How we understanding or not,- "Biblical significances" determines the outcome and quality of our lives for now, unto eternity. In these end times, as we desire to grasp more fully, the matters of God, a detrimental lie, is -" deciding what you will, and will not believe, rather than accepting the truth of the written word as a universal standard." Not only the truth of the created world, and life, but also the truth about yourself.
Spiritual Truth Consultant
SANTA SANTINA GATTA, M.A. Ethics. B.A (HONS) Public Ethics, B.A Theology. 10X Mentoring and Coaching, Business Builder Certificate GC University. 30 years of transformational living.
In HER Image- Exposing the Female Side of God.
What we believe about females is coming increasingly into question. What is the truth about our existence and role in life as "her".
In HER Image- Exposing the Female Side of God reveals the answers to questions we have not look at correctly- especially the broken church, but rather continue to endure as female in a world that mistreats us and abuses us, with ideologies as misogyny and second-to males' mentality that are obvious worldwide epidemics encouraged and taught incorrectly even by females to our young children as sin. What we have misunderstood and allowed unnecessarily, against Gods will- is addressed in the book.
"And he will rule over you." Is addressed once and for all as a fallen position of broken man without relationship with God.
This work is not about male bashing- as no male would tolerate, rather it about addressing the pride and fall of man in a broken world that spurs the rules and laws of God to all people fairly and in love. It is about giving each female her place and power to be as God intended for her to enjoy and live as a free citizen of God in His earthly world that we must learn to use correctly even if males do not.
There are answers to the question of female protection and respect. There is an answer to staying safe in a world that abuses females unnecessarily. Learn what this shield of protection. Buy on Amazon Books.
God is not partial to males but warns all females how, correctly we can live whole, unscathed and sane lives, in a world ruled incorrectly by fallen man.
There are answers, there are so lutions there is rightful empowerment against the ills toward the female for you today. Buy In HER Image- today.
The steps of a good man/woman are ordered by the LORD, And He delights in his/her way. Though s/he falls, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the LORD upholds him/her with His hand.”
email for the download of "In HER Image"- Exposing the female side of God. Share with your daughters before it's too late.
In HER Image- Exposing the female side of God.
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