Speaking Engagments 613.406.7775

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Ask Sandy Larson's opinion column.

Have a problem your not sure how to handle?

"No one wants to come across looking bad. Ask  about what to do in your situation, so you come out smelling and looking like a rose"

Twenty years experience in Public Ethics, Ethics, Theology, Spirituality and wisdom, and philosophy with a life long dedication to loyalty and the quest of truth

Our emotions do get the better of us, at times. You require an objective eye that see's the end of the situation making clear your next step.

What does a ethicist do- My role is to be fair to all involved- and as well tell the truth. As a change agent I help people, change one step at a time, toward balance and a standard of moral skill of discipline that benefits the greater good.

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye. shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asks receives;

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