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The Truth Behind the Garden Story?

  Once upon a time there was a Garden.

Adam & Eve is the exact replica story of me and you, living on earth, void of a relationship with Creator.

They walked and conversed with God as one would with a friend.

"No big deal". "We can wing this" "We can do this" "We don't need help!"

One day this relationship changed. S/he walked away from God, s/he walked away each and choose to rather forever content with evil. Who knew?

The story of Adam and Eve is about me, and you if we repeat the same mistake, that is to walk away from God..

The Creation story reflects our relational problems on earth. Many if not all our relationship sour because we do not respect each other, ourselves, or God.

This is not about the Creator being the problem.

The Prime Mover left us an owner's manual on how to act and live as humans.

We have failed miserably, but it's never too late to change

"Love your neighbor as yourself."

"Love God with all your heart, mind and soul"


"Let's unpack these two commands. These are not religious terminologies, but relational rules, when practiced, do and will bring each of us relational success, joy and peace. Let's take the religiose out of these two commandments.

Each human being requires acknowledgement and respect to live in a healthy pychological manner. Whether you're a baby or an elderly person, humans require love. Acknowledgement, honesty and respect.

God asks us to treat each other and ourselves lovingly. God also writes to love yourself as you would your neighbor-the other. Balance is in the reciprocity of interaction with oneself and with others. When we respect ourselves, we then give respect to the other.

Not with lies and manipulation but stating one's position lovingly. If that position is sick and ill equip admit it, seek council and change for better.

"Know yourself enough to be you authentically, not neurotically or arrogant."

Forgive and you will be forgiven.


Love God with all your heart, mind, and soul,

This one might be tricky, but I will help you unpack this command.

Loving what is invisible seems absurd. Think of a telephone, we dial a number and are connected to someone across the world in Italy when we are in Canada. We do not need an appointment to talk with the Creator who made you. You can just talk in private with God and share your hurts, needs and dreams. It is written that God hears every single word that comes out of our mouth.

God as well talks through His Word in the Bible. 

Watch and wait and see your request being answered.

When we do this with all our heart, mind and soul we will come to understand that a relationship with God provides protection, wisdom and guidance that is tailored made for each person specifically that is so unique to you its only you who has heard it or felt it. This is how the Creator works within you. God treats you with uniqueness and authenticity.  

 Begin today to renew your mind with new ideas and new attitudes.

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