The Truth
Is something we grow into. When our faith or maturity is low and weak and over the years we change and grow we come to realize that we did not understand fully what was going on.
Christianity is similar. We judge, we control, we criticize, we manipulate and lie.
Then as we get older and mature we can realize that God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
When we recite Our Father in heaven, this implies that Our Father is in everyone collectively worldwide. Meaning God is not seen by anyone, nowhere, is really the thoughts we hold of Him.
God gives us instructions on how to love Him with all our hearts minds and souls and to love our neighbor as ourselves.
To obey God is to live on earth in harmony with ourselves and those around us.
Before you make a decision today, whether in thought or deed. Ask God for hel in your thinking and talking and wait for an answer. You'll be amazed at what crosses your mind in rely.
Our God is an awesome God. Our God is an awesome God.