Reading Between the Lines
Fundamentally how we live, is a matter of life and death and everything in between.
How we understand-or not, -"Biblical significances" determines the outcome and quality of our lives for now, unto eternity.
In these end times, as we desire to grasp more fully, the matters of God, a detrimental lie, is -"Deciding what you will, and will not believe, rather than accepting the truth of the written word as the universal standard, not only of the created world, and life, but also the truth about yourself.
When you will not believe the truth, of who originated the created universe, or not believe the reality of your heart condition- there remains a stalemate of progress by opposing forces, called the "the spirit of error" that the world is enmeshed in.
How to understand the Bible depends on one's heart posture, and how does one go about evaluating their heart condition? What barometer does one use to gauge their physical and spiritual health when approaching the Bible and the Word of God, and the answer again is- "truth."
"What is truth?" asked Pontius Pilate, to Jesus before being forced to crucify Christ, in fear of the mobs.
If you are a truth seeker, the Bible is the only Book, which houses the voice and presence of God- there is no other book? The Spirit of truth -is the Holy Spirit of God present in the pages of the Bible.
If I were you, I would run to the book and begin to read it.
Everything written in the Bible, transcends all time, generations and eras and worlds, the constant is the presence of Gods mind and character at play in its stories and events which does not alter or change. Any lesson or event in the History of Bible, are exemplifying the character and Word of God which when we apply to our own lives- brings success.
Making inferences and deductions, by asking the Holy Spirit to be by our side, as we read, so that its He correctly guide our heart thinking, brings us to truths, otherwise we risk not fully understanding what is being conveyed.
A question can be, "Lord, Holy Spirit, what do you wish I understand with this passage of Scripture for me right now in my life?" Ask what am I not seeing or getting correctly.
Be attentive for an answer to your question by praying for clarity, and watch how God goes to work on your question.
The Bible continually points out that the reader, should not be closed minded or dull of hearing. Meaning, to misunderstand its implication is to miss what God might want to change in us, or warn us about. Everything God says is for our good, to a level that is irrevocably perfect in love.
"To understand the realities of the spiritual realms which control our physical existence and earth is to accept the truth of the creator God to whom all honor is due."
Alright or askew, there are two forces at play that of good and evil. God, Omniscient and all powerful and satan the deceiver and imposter. God is eternally present, and satan's time is up, and is already defeated, but he will not go out without a fight, as he is a destroyer of lives and a trouble maker to all and is verring his ugly head in these end times. As time progresses we are seeing an increasing amount of unrest and evil taking place on earth, like never before.
In this work, the Collaborator is the Holy Spirit, who is guiding my mind, and hands, and heart to write this work so that you will be illuminated unto the Truth of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the author and perfector of our faith.
"What is required is to correctly understand the things of God, by first examining incorrect approaches, notions and mindsets toward the matters of Godly spirituality, versus counterfeit spirituality. The correct, Original Holy God who operates the spiritual realm since billions of years ago- does not change but rather which patterns all after His mind and His character, witnessed through the created world of order, and this is the continual "proof" science ignore to their shame. Not that we place our hope or belief in scienceman. Meaning to take for granted what is orderly and in obedience to Gods standards of protection and love is to simply be ignorant of the truth of Gods mind.
Spirituality and Science are of one and the same. Quantifiable, relative and consistent, operating rotely in their predesrbed functioning as irrevocable law. The seed is predetermined and set, as the seed of a man, and the seed of a woman. The seed of Spirituality too, has a set pattern which does not change and this seed is- Christ the Lord, as a predeterined path or way, planted and "cultivated" within the mind through the reading and belief of Scriptures as standard and not as a debate.
The power and mind of Christ infused with our mind in unity, creates a being who thinks and behaves like Christ the Lord, because Christ is in us, operating within us, Christs power,which is the goal of God -can be channeled thorugh His children to heal, and perfom miracles like Christ did, on earth but scienceman misses these truths yet creates "objects" that are able to transmit words and thoughts too. If object transmit words and images, created by humankind, then isn't obvious that words and thought of God can be transmitted through the book of the Bible through reading?
Humans differ from organisms where we have a mind to choose- and the apple seed does not. The apple seed is predetermined to follow a prescribed path. However, though humans are formed and creaated too through a prescribed path - humans have thinking abilites that an apple does not. Humans live in a manner that differs from nature. What is this difference then. We can think, plan and build our lives unto death. Why the birth and the death?
By emulating the mind of Christ through spiritual laws predetermined and set by God, from the laws of the Bible and the Holy Spirit whom sets us up to succeed and florish. The spiritual world immediatley recognizes any living organism abiding by the patterns set by God. The Spiritual world has eyes and ears and power to help or hinder, depending on which side your on.
The purpose of the laws is to allow each person mind to be used as a channel for the Gods light, power and information to pass through our minds using body parts.
The Spiritual world of scienceman is continually receiving "information" from the wrong "atmospheres" in a manner that is not correctly understood by those who study secular science especially conerning the world of though, and words. Though and words is the "secret to unlock the mysteries of the created and spiritual realms of Gods created worlds."
"Secret number two is that there is currently two sides- the truth of what original and true, and the opossing side, the imposture and what is false."
But humankind does not live seeing through the magnified lense, sciencman works through- scieneman put his head into the sandbox of outter space, sitting from his office chair, who would never allow any man to steal his creations however-he will deny God His rightful place and glory so that scienceman can "look smart offering nothing more than claims he neither formed, founded or created." and why is this- its to deny Gods voice and word and work, and set confusion in the hearts of humankind, the agenda of satan himself- the imposture.
We inately understand that nature and science are operating in unison, as we too co- exist with nature and science- unsuccessfully. Unbelieving scienceman, has actually perpetuated the erronious concept of God the Creator, so that he is beleived to be the authority on Gods created world. Which he is not. This lie and misconception has gone ignored for far to long.
A question we can ask is who is operating behind the facts of science, and who is operating behind the minds of mankind? Should there not be one mind and answer to this question?
"Everything and all have a path to truth or destruction."
"The airways of the universe continual convey thoughts and messages to every living organism including humankind, Unfortunately the airways are filled with conflicting cacophony and like finding a needle in a haystack, the truth is somewhere to be seen and heard and found.
How do we find this true voice amidst the confusion and the lies of scienceman and Satan himself.
God's voice is seen and heard through the books of the Bible, when read with acknowledgment of His Presence, "The True Living Voice" called the Holy Spirit, who is the Original Voice and Creator we all long be revealed to us, that through obedience, and putting into practice, His Word, lays open the secret blessings and abundance of the heavenly realm connecting and operating and joining heaven to earthly successfully, which "scienceman" has misunderstood be forever silenced.
The secret connection of God is His Word, operating within His created worlds now and forever-Amen, not as religionman attempts to parade, but as unwavering truth. Meaning science and nature complies with the voice and word of God, yet humans do not see the truth of God and needs help with his understanding.
This is where humankind falls and stumbles in ignorance and confusion is in his disbelief of counterfeit analogies. Similarily the counterfeit spirit operating in the world retracts from the truth so as to take away glory from God. Taking away and upsurping Gods place and glory and power is the deception of the world.
These secrets laid out throughout this book, will catapult your spirituality to a new level of understanding of God's Character and voice, giving you a new hope like never before.
I encourage you to look up each scripture provided after each message, by meditating on it, joining with the Spirit of God, to unlock the secrets of your life. Here are secrets and wonders of spirituality, we have all been waiting for. Most vitally make the decision to believe right now, what is written in the Bible of the Creator God is His hand of truth to you.
Here are 365 days of insights, from thirty-five years of research, into the significance of Biblical events, their lessons and words, that throughout all time show the Glory of Gods wisdom and plan present throughout the history of humankind, embedded and operating within God's created world of science. Here is what is shown.
Santa Santina Gatta, M.A. Public Ethics B.A (HONS) Ethics.
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