One on One Listening, With the Master's Spiritual Eye.
" I didn't know."
Time takes us to where we don't want to be, slipping away so fast, finding ourselves at the end of our lives-feeling we could have done better. Relationships we'd wished we'd nurtured, inner demons- we should have address sooner, or the dreams of our hearts, we never materialized.
A broken, and tainted soul blocks one from truly living one's best life. Coming to a halt, stopped on one's internal track, will require, a trained ear and eye to pinpoint where the problem is sitting in your soul to unblock it from stagnation. Knowing something is wrong, is not enough, we require knowing what is causing blockage to release it from your life and to reconnect our inner woman free.
I am the spiritual consultant expert to do this. By asking the right questions.
The good news is, done correctly "Your soul can be cleansed & healed so you live every day from a place of "clarity, and joy."
What is clarity- is knowing the particulars that propel you correctly and knowing what to avoid. You need a game plan to protect and uphold your soul from there flows all the issues of your life.
"If you could wash your soul clean today-what would that be worth to you?"
Nota Bene: Payments are made in full prior to service rendered.