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It's About Relationships.




Humans crave love, friendship, and closeness because it is a natural expression of our human experience. Each of us,  ought to make it one's goal, to make others feel fully human, and understood.

Our relations make us or break us- the saying goes. How true though.

I often hear that on one's death bed, we feel safe when loved are at our side. At Holiday time, we cherish family and friends in celebrating the Birth of Christ, making the Holiday time perfect. 

When we go to church, we want to feel acknowledged and understood by parishioners and clergy, a place where we repent and begin our week afresh, through the sacraments and communion with the saints,  encouraged we are inspired to change.

Humans crave love, friendship, and closeness because it is a natural expression of our human experience. Each of us,  ought to make it one's goal, to make others feel fully human, and understood.

A homeless woman I spoke to recently said to me, "What is love?" Well, I know what love is- when its kind, friendly, and helpful. I also know very well what the absence of love feels like, and too often I might add.

The absence of attention, the absence of respect, the absence of friendliness.The absence of compassion and love. The absence of care, and the sad absence of goodness, honesty, and truth. These absences hurt us so deeply and separate our interactions and closeness leaving lingering scars that can last lifetimes. 

Therefore be the fulfillment of love, rather than the absence of. Fill the human void with your loving words, insight, actions, and thoughts, somehow, creatively, and with the guidance of the Sacred Spirit.

 God has things to say about how we do "Relationships"

Our relationships need more than a pat on the head. They need thoughtful attention and genuine reflection and a listening ear of a willingness to walk together in a spirit of unity and love- no we don't always have to agree or be passive, yet we can find a just milieu, a balance where anyone who leaves our presence feels loved, respected and understood because of where they are in life, and not because of where WE think they should be in life. Through thick and thin, the good and the bad, the ugly, and the good. It's about honesty and truth and compassion and thankfulness.

It's about being there, stable, and committed until the end. It's not what happens that changes the relationship it's about standing firm in faith in unbroken fellowship through thick and thin for as long as time permits.

The Book of Malachi

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