Speaking Engagments 613.406.7775

"Don't Stop Believing" A Classic 70's Song.

To some, the concept of God is nonsense, and most genuinely struggle with their faith. For the beginner, concepts of God is no walk in the park. Christian dynamics are complex, because humans are complex, multifaceted and well muddled. 

"There exists in each of us, a dark side- we push down."

Darkness is just that. Confusing, disorienting and without vision. We want clarity and purpose, and passion yet can be at a loss of where to start, or where our problem lies, or how to get organized in our heads. A daunting and miserable task at hand for most. I don't know about you, but this was certainly my case.

When we are too smart for our britches or Too smart/clever for our own good” suggests that someone is excessively clever but in a way that might lead to trouble or harm. Being overly intelligent can sometimes backfire.

And this is the problem that religion has done to humanity. It has thrown out the baby with the bath water. We need God, but not man-controlled ideas of religion that are ego centered and void of loving adherence to Gods laws.

What you're saying, we want to do away with laws, as we will live as we please in spiritual lawless. Well, this is absurd because if nature followed suit the stars would fall on our houses, the sun would scorch our bodies, and the rain would never stop. 

There are universal laws governing our planet and earth's atmospheres thank God.

"Well that not religion that science." 

Did you ever stop to think that God is science. The ordering of science shows baffling logic and meticulousness mathematics that displays supreme order present--we don't see how it can be possible, but it is- in black and white.

It's time to give Our Creator His due in praise and honor. 

The single most beneficial thing we can do, for ourselves is to stop resisting the idea of God, but rather draw near with a childlike faith of curiosity. 

There are answers we're seeking. We need these answers to live healthily and in sanity. It's time. 

 And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.

                                                                                                   Mark 10:13








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