Speaking Engagments 613.406.7775

Correcting Errors

Where do we start?

There is are so so many things we do that are wrong that need righting.

I think of pedophiles, the compulsive pornographer's, wife beaters, controlling administrators? Mean Fathers or Mothers, Cruel teachers or bosses. Murders and rapists.

When confronting these persons they have a side to their story of their innocence and justification for their behaviors. Everyone is seeking understanding even the murderer and pedophiles. 

But does this make their behavior right? Of course not?

A murderer seldom says "Help me change" but rather I justify my behavior  because..."

How does a murderer, or a wife beater change?

The murderer took his victim, the wife beater threw his blows.

Now what? Who cleans up the messes.

We spend much of time correcting the offender and criminal and place little comfort to the victim.


Because we do not want the criminals to repeat their gesture. But in order to not make the criminal repeat their gesture we the people need to be aware and alert and prepared to confront each wrong doer and wrong thinker in their tracks. 

We see the signs and the subtle hints. Confront them and address them immediately.

The Word of God ask us not to lord over people we must confront in love.

The reality is that we might not be that good at cleaning up messes.


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